In this section the different settings that controls the default behavior of ResInsight is described. These settings can be controlled using the Preferences dialog available from the Edit -> Preferences menu. Preferences are not stored in project files, but in a platform specific way for each user. Essential preferences are listed below.
When changing the preferences, any default color, font or Z-scale Factor that has not been changed by the user in the various views, will be applied immediately. If the user has changed font sizes in specific plots or annotations from the default value, ResInsight will ask if the user wants the new defaults applied to all existing views and plots even where custom settings have been set.
Default Colors: This group contains the colors that will be applied to the 3D views:
Default Font Sizes: This group contains fonts preferences when using ResInsight:
3D Views: This group of options controls visual settings to be used when creating new views:
Behaviour When Loading Data
Fault Import
Well Import
Model Reader
Summary Plots:
Multi Plot Defaults: specification of number of rows and columns for each page containing multiple summary plots.
Plot Templates: specification of folders and folder search depth for templates.
Please consider the location and folders of your templates with care to cater for structured usage but also to limit the folder search depth for performance reasons.
Octave c.f. Octave Interface for details:
Python c.f. ResInsight Python API for details:
Script Files:
An authorization token is created and stored in your home folder for access to cloud services. If you experience issues with the cloud service, the token can be deleted using a button. The standard authentication dialog will be displayed the next time you try to access the related cloud service.