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Project File and Caching

The Project File

ResInsight stores all views and settings in a Project File with the extension *.rsp to easily continue work in a subsequent session. This file only contains references to the real data files, and does not in any way copy the data itself. Data files generated by ResInsight are also referenced by the Project File.

The *.rsp file is an XML file, and can be edited by any text editor.

External File References

Editing the Project File is one effective way to replace source cases and other file references. At top of a Project File, the section ReferencedExternalFiles contains aliases to file paths which can be modified using a text editor. It is also possible to use automated tools to modify these text strings.

    $PathId_001$ D:/resinsight-data/norne/NORNE_ATW2013.EGRID;
    $PathId_002$ D:/resinsight-data/NorneODB/norne_case2.odb;
    $PathId_003$ D:/resinsight-data/norne/NORNE_ATW2013.SMSPEC;
    $PathId_004$ D:/resinsight-data/summary_templates;

The Cache Directory

Statistics calculations, octave generated property sets, and SSI-hub imported well paths are saved to a folder named <ProjectFileName>_cache in the same directory as the project file. If you need to move your project, make sure you move this folder along. If you do not, the calculations or well path import needs to be done again.