An RFT (Repeated Formation Tester) plot is a special well plot for comparing observed formation pressure and simulated formation pressure. The curves are plotted as pressure against true vertical depth (TVD) or measured depth (MD). Simulated pressure data is retrieved directly from the grid model or from the corresponding (*.rft) files, while observed pressure data are loaded from well log files (*.las).
There are several ways to create new RFT Plots.
ResInsight can automate the creation of multiple plots based on an already exising RFT plot.
Description of the workflow:
Pressure Depth Data
A custom file format for Pressure Depth Data is supported.
LAS Pressure Data
To be able to plot observed pressure data for a well in an RFT plot, at least one well log file from that well (e.g. *.las) has to be imported to ResInsight. This file must contain a pressure column, which must have the name PRESSURE or PRES_FORM. If the well log file itself does not contain a TVD column (named TVDMSL), a well path file (See Well Trajectories) for the same well must also be imported to ResInsight.
If no TVD data for a well is found when the user tries to plot a curve, ResInsight will present a warning dialog to the user.
The property editor lets the user select which curves to display in the RFT plot.
Select the well to display in the plot. Wells postfixed by ’(Well Path)’ have an associated well trajectory loaded.
After a well has been selected in the Well Name field, the relevant sources for that well will appear in the sources field. The sources are placed in one of three different groups:
for more information).When the user selects one or more sources, a selection of their time steps appears in the Time Steps field.
The Time Steps field contains the relevant time steps according to the source selection. Time steps are deemed to be relevant by the following rules:
Each time step is postfixed by an indication of which source type(s) the time step is belonging to. This indication is displayed as one or more letters within square brackets. Examples: [ O ], [ R G ].
More than one letter for one single time step, means that the time steps comes from multiple case types.
This property editor lets the user control the visibility of formations lines. This is what it looks like in the RFT plot context.
Please see the full documentation on the formations property editor for details about formations.
When the formation names property editor is used in the context of RFT plots, the fields Trajectory and Simulation Well are hidden because those values are given by the RFT plot definition.
This property editor lets the user control visual properties for the legend and axis.